1.13.0 / 2014-09-25 =================== * Fixed diffInDaysFiltered() bug. * Removed default param from formatLocalized() (thanks @vlakoff) * Various refactorings (thanks @lucasmichot @euromark) * Updated toXXXString() methods to be camel cased (thanks @euromark) * Now using 4 spaces for indent. (thanks @lucasmichot @euromark) 1.12.0 / 2014-09-09 =================== * Add new functions diffInDaysFiltered(), diffInWeekdays() and diffInWeekendDays() (thanks @m4tthumphrey) * Fixed XofQuarter methods when moving to a month that doesn't have that day it jumps forward #168 * Support for microseconds during instantiation and copy. Be aware that microseconds are ignored for doing any of the math. * Microsecond getter. * Various refactorings (thanks @lucasmichot @lorenzo) 1.11.0 / 2014-08-25 =================== * Added isSameDay() (thanks @enkelmedia) * Added diffInWeeks(), maxValue() and minValue() (thanks @lucasmichot) * Improved accuracy of diffForHumans() by using 30/7 for weeks and moving the floor() call to outside the loop. Fixed tests that just look better now as a result. * Improved readme with common formats example output (thanks @troyharvey) * Various internal refactors (thanks @lucasmichot) 1.10.0 / 2014-07-17 =================== * Changed @return Carbon phpdocs to static for better IDE typehint when extending Carbon * Fixed Carbon.php download link * Added 5.6 and HHVM to test coverage * Fixed issue with isPast() returning true for now() * Added getter for weekOfMonth 1.9.0 / 2014-05-12 ================== * Changed self references to static to allow for easier child classes * Fixed a couple of tests to account for London DST * Fixed a test that failed due to inconsistent DateTime COOKIE strings 1.8.0 / 2014-01-06 ================== * Added .gitattributes file to to ignore some files on export (thanks @lucasmichot) * Removed unnecessary __set tz/timezone switch * Added min() / max() (thanks @lucasmichot) * Fixed startOfWeek() / endOfWeek() when crossing year boundary. * Fixed bug in detecting relative keywords in ctor parameter when using a test now 1.7.0 / 2013-12-04 ================== * Added startOfYear() / endOfYear() (thanks @semalead) * Added average() (thanks @semalead) 1.6.0 / 2013-11-23 ================== * Fixed "Cannot access property ::$toStringFormat" when extending Carbon and type juggling to a string occurs 1.5.0 / 2013-11-21 ================== * Diff for humans now shows 2 weeks ago instead of 14 days ago * Added a local getter to test if the instance is in the local timezone * Added a utc getter to check if the instance is in UTC timezone * Fixed dst comment / phpdoc and psr issues * Optimize timezone getters (thanks @semalead) * Added static __toString formatting (thanks @cviebrock and @anlutro) 1.4.0 / 2013-09-08 ================== * Corrected various PHPdocs * formatLocalized() is now more OS independent * Improved diff methods * Test now can be mocked using a relative term 1.3.0 / 2013-08-21 ================== * Added modifier methods firstOfMonth(), lastOfMonth(), nthOfMonth(), next(), previous(), and so on * Added modifiers startOfWeek() and endOfWeek() * Added testing helpers to allow mocking of new Carbon(), new Carbon('now') and Carbon::now() * Added formatLocalized() to format a string using strftime() with the current locale * Improved diffInSeconds() * Improved [add|sub][Years|Months|Days|Hours|Minutes|Seconds|Weeks] * Docblocks everywhere ;( * Magic class properties * Added PHP 5.5 to travis test coverage * General Code cleanup 1.2.0 / 2012-10-14 ================== * Added history.md * Implemented __isset() (thanks @flevour) * Simplified tomorrow()/yesterday() to rely on today()... more DRY * Simplified __set() and fixed exception text * Updated readme 1.1.0 / 2012-09-16 ================== * Updated composer.json * Added better error messaging for failed readme generation * Fixed readme typos * Added static helpers `today()`, `tomorrow()`, `yesterday()` * Simplified `now()` code 1.0.1 / 2012-09-10 ================== * Added travis-ci.org 1.0.0 / 2012-09-10 ================== * Initial release